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Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal
A Community Organization established in1993 A.D. in memory of the great visionary leader Madan Kumar Bhandari.
a community organization established in1993 A.D. in memory of the great visionary leader Madan Kumar Bhandari.
School of Engineering
(Constituent Program of Pokhara University and MBMAN)
School of Science and Technology
(Affiliated to Purbanchal University)
School of Agriculture
(Affiliated to CTEVT)
School of Nursing
(Affiliated to CTEVT)
Polytechnic Institute
(Affiliated to CTEVT)
Message from the Chairperson
“The holistic change of the society depends on the functions of economic, social, cultural and political awareness of the people”
Madan Kumar Bhandari
Dear well-wishers,
It is a pride for me to welcome you all to Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal. It is the institution of higher education, a means for achieving broader social aspirations. Undoubtedly, to develop a person intellectually and aesthetically, higher education is a must. It is also a powerful tool for peaceful social transformation and for the overall development and prosperity of the nation.
Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal was established in memory of the Great Visionary Leader Madan Kumar Bhandari in 1993. The Academy is committed to materializing the vision of leader Bhandari by providing the most possible opportunities of employment to the deprived people in the community through right-based community development programs. Its focus is the improved living standards of the community through technology, skills, and resource mobilization.
We are happy to welcome you to the School of Engineering, School of Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute, and Madan Bhandari Museum along with the Science Park, Children Fun Park, and Water Park run by our academy.
Message from the Executive Director
Dear students, parents, and academicians,
It is an immense pleasure for me to welcome you to Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal (MBMAN) established in 1993. From the outset, it has been producing human resources for the engineering, medical, and agricultural fields.
The Academy is a growing and spreading institution that aspires to cater to the nation’s need. It is one of the largest community academic institutions in Nepal.
It has initiated the establishment and promotion of Technological University to produce skilled human resources through higher technical education and research activities in the nation and the globe.
At present, we have the School of Engineering (Jointly undertaken by Pokhara University and MBMAN), the School of Science and Technology (Affiliated to Purbanchal University), and the Polytechnic Institute (Affiliated to CTEVT). They offer Master of Science in C.M., B. Architecture, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, B.I.T., B.Sc. (Honors) in Ag. and Diploma Courses of CTEVT. It has also dedicated teams in their related fields. The teams provide the students with technological knowledge and skills. It has also planned to produce pharmaceutists, agriculturists, and IT experts soon.
We are proud of our students who have achieved high standards in engineering, architecture, agriculture, general medicine and related innovative activities including community development programs. My sincere thanks to our dedicated professors, Associate professors, Lecturers, Instructors, Staff, and students who contribute effectively to the academy and are committed to blend academic excellence and creativity to produce professional human resources for the globe. I look forward to working with our stakeholders who are valued and appreciated for their efforts at MBMAN.

Mr. Romnath Oli

Prof. Binod aryal
Executive Director
Educational Loan Program (TEPT)
Academy has offered Education Loan Scheme for those interested youth, especially from the poor and disadvantage groups for their vocational training of Community Livestock Assistant and Community Agriculture Assistant (CLA and CAA).
Madan Bhandari Technological University (MBTU)
To prepare an academically sound and technologically competent high-level workforce that contribute to the socio-economic development and improving the quality of life of Nepalese people.
Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal
Head Office, Urlabari Municipality, Ward No. 3, Morang, Nepal,
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