About us
“The holistic change of the society is a function of the Economic, Social, Cultural and Political awareness of the people”
–Madan Bhandari

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal (MBMAN) is a Community Organization established in1993 A.D. in memory of the great visionary leader Madan Kumar Bhandari. The organization is committed to materialize the vision of leader Bhandari by providing the most possible opportunities of employment to the deprived people in the community, through Formal/Non-formal, Technical Education and
“Self-Reliance and Cultured Society.”
“Technology Transformation Is Academy Concern; Right Based Program Is Our Foundation.”
“The Academy Developed As A Reliable Center For Hope and Trust for The Targeted Community.”
An Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Board and he is the chief executive officer of the institution and executes the decision of the board.
- Technical Education Units
- Community and Vocational Training Units
- General Administration Units
- Finance and Account Units
- Human Resource Development Unit
- Information Technology Unit ( ICT 4 Development)
- Placement, Counseling and Marketing Unit
- Store Unit
- Maintenance and Repair Unit
- Promotion of Madan Bhandari Museum and Children’s Park
MBMAN has various intervention areas as listed below:
Technical Education Programs:
- Health Program (
HA & ANM), CMA - Agricultural Program ( Diploma in Agriculture and Vet.JTA)
- Nursing Program ( P.C.L. Nursing)
- Engineering Program ( Civil Sub- Overseer)
Community Development Programs and Vocational Training:
Skill Based Vocational ModularTrainings - Community Empowerment for Livelihood Project (Partnership with
AAIN ) - Intensive Livestock Development Project (Partnership with Heifer Nepal)
- Commercial Livestock & Agricultural Development Campaign (Partnership with Government of Nepal and Private Agencies)
- Model Village Development Campaign (Madan Gram)
- Educational Loan Program (TEPT)
- Policy Action Research and Publication
Other Special Programs:
- Promotion of Madan Bhandari Technological University (MBTU)
- Establishment of Madan Bhandari Community Hospital
Overall Objective:
The Academy Takes Pride In Its Concept And Principle “Right-Holders Are Progressing Towards Improved Living Standards Through Better Technology, Skills And Resource Mobilization”.
Specific Objectives:
- To conduct employment based technical and vocational skill training,
- To develop skilled technical human resource targeting national and international market.
- To build upon the traditional skills and appropriate technology and transformation for productivity and self-employment.
- To support natural resource management and in development and management of enterprises based on the use of local human resources.
- To undertake studies, research and publication works in relation to the technical and vocational training organized by the academy, as well as in different public issues and their socio-economic impact.
- To support and facilitate implementation of programs on Human Rights and Right Based Approach for Social Transformation and justice.
- To undertake study and research on ideology, philosophy and thoughts of the visionary leader Madan Kumar Bhandari, their documentation, publication, extension and safe custody and
- To initiate for the promotion of Technological University for developing skilled human resource through higher technical education, research and equivalence.
Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal
Head Office, Urlabari Municipality, Ward No. 3, Morang, Nepal
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